We Remember Wat Tyler

  • We Remember Wat Tyler
  • We Remember Wat Tyler

A6 pamphlet

The 1381 Peasants’ Revolt remains one of the most cataclysmic and inspiring events in British history; though defeated, it sounded a death knell to a feudal system already rotten and decaying, and hastened social change in England, as well as inspiring six centuries of agitators, activists, rebels, socialists, anarchists, liberals, communists, democrats and many more.
At its climax the Revolt pushed to the fore a character of who it can fairly be said that probably no other person has such historical significance while so little actually known or proven fact can be definitely stated about him. Schools and motorways can be named after him, but his name may not even have been his real name. Wat Tyler remains an enigma, a fascinating glimpse of a personality, thrust to the head of a fierce rebellion...